This divorce means money. Money means independence. That’s what I’m after./ One husband at a time./Struggle and challenge and ultimate destruction of your opponents,that’s life./ You’re looking for trouble. It’s a midlife crisis, get a new car.-I have 2 new cars, torn the house down twice, rebuilt the cabin in Vail, I’ve got a man who waxes my jet.
候麦的姿态让我无法给他五星但这部真的快要值得了太通透了他的镜头始终是极度琐碎且缓慢的区区一个半小时观众对于“电影”的期待几乎被消磨殆尽姿态开始偏向审视、批判女主但最终“不可能”胜利了固定机位、环境音效、走来走去的人女孩输了让对方随便处理自己游戏是极致的现实、极致的生活、极致的哲学:Love and life is the source of philosophy.