In a perfect guy ritchie movie where the jews being jew, the chinese being even better, the americans straight, the english queer, the irish totally unpredictable, the russians barbaric, the british aristocracy on its last legs and the gentlemen speaking Shakespeare’s language for sure. I do wish hugh and charlie a lovely honeymoon in LA! mua~
解脱对黑人男性的刻板印象所产生的束缚解脱无法对失去释怀的心境解脱所有缠绕的对抗力量和激烈情绪滑板划下斜坡时看到的路旁景象是视觉上的创新电影的形式融合越来越多样对旧金山的爱浸满了在这座城里的无助和挣扎——的确像Jimie说的那样"You don't get to hate it unless you love it."
所以利己又懦弱的人感到惊声尖笑5电影时会抓住一切机会比被他人践踏时更加残忍疯狂地践踏处于弱势的人他们永远不会有同理心他们可憎可怜;这部真是太切题了, shame of the dream, war, desire and humanity; 伯格曼拍战争的视角和立场真让人惊奇